These photographs taken in 1947 during the period of independence of India and Pakistan. The photographer is Margaret Bourke-White. These photographs collected from Life Archive hosted by Google.
Sikhs migrating to Hindu section of Punjab after the partitioning of India.

Boy sitting on rock ledge above refugee camp.

Sikh carrying his wife on his shoulders as he walks with others migrating to their new homeland after the creation of Sikh and Hindu section of Punjab India due to the division of India.

Aged Muslim Indian couple w. their four grandchildren sit abandoned by roadside because they could not keep up with their caravan fleeing fr. East to West Punjab to escape anti-Moslem Sikhs.

Wreckage fr. carts & belongings Indian refugees who had been camped there before the Beas River flooded over, during mass migration because of religious conflicts.

The mutilated body of a male Moslem, the victim of a Sikh attack at railroad train station, the origin of the "Pakistan Special Train" intended to take Moslems to liberty in West Punjab.

Migrating Family

Sikhs migrating to the Hindu section of Punjab (Pakistan) after the division of India.