India Independence

India got its independence on August 15th, 1947. It was the day when the Indians got liberated from the rule of the british. The entire freedom struggle involved a lot of political organizations, non-violents movements, philosophies and other acts. India got its independence after almost hundred years of struggle and bondage. Indian independence was not just a one man show. It required joint efforts of many freedom fighters, underground movements, petty rebellions and a lot of planning. 15th August is celebrated ever since 1947 as the Indian Independence Day.

The uproar of Indians against their independence was a result of british policy of divide and rule, exploiting the masses, devoiding them of basic human rights and other such issues. Even though the 1947 Indian independence was not a one man show, there was one man without whom India would not have been able to achieve independence in a non-violent way. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is therefore known as ‘the father of India’ all over the world. Gandhi and the Independence of India is intimately connected to each other.
His non- cooperation movement along with philosophy of non-violence and numerous satyagrahas catapulted the Indian masses towards their freedom from the British rule. Gandhi was the true hero of the independence struggle and a very highly principled man who carried out a struggle for independence with the strength of his values and morals. All across the world people really take interest in how India got its independence without bloodshed and violent means. India has indeed proved that non violent means like ‘satyagraha’ can be used to achieve freedom. However many people did not believe in Gandhiji’s technique to achieve freedom for the country. These people used violent means and other revolutionary activities to fulfill their goal of attaining freedom for the country.

The first Indian protest against the British rule took place in 1857 when soldiers of British East India Company rebelled under the leadership of Mangal Pandey against the tyranny of the company and its disrespect for Indian culture. The revolt was crushed with the British separating the princely states from British India. This was typical of the British’s policy of divide and rule.

Events like the civil disobedience movement, Quit India movement, Dandi March led to the nation wide uprising among the masses to fight against the rule of the British and achieve freedom for the nation.

The movement for Indian Independence reached its culmination between 1918 and 1922 with a series of non-violent efforts by the Indian National Congress under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi. This set the stage for India’s final liberation from the British Raj and led to its partition with Pakistan on the mid-night of 15th August 1947. Partition was the price India had to pay for its independence..
Resource: discover india